Certifications and Environment
The quality, performance and safety of CREO Kitchens are internationally recognised and certified.
The guarantees we offer our customers are the same ones that have characterised the Gruppo LUBE for many years. Peoples’ needs and well-being represent the core of all of our activities. This is why everyone feels safe and at home in spaces created by CREO Kitchens.What is FSC® certification?
FSC® certification is the principal mechanism of guaranteeing the origin of wood or paper and LUBE INDUSTRIES has decided to use this certification to publicise its commitment to the environment and support of the fight against uncontrolled deforestation and illegal cutting down of forests. With FSC® certification, LUBE INDUSTRIES is promoting forest management that is respectful of the environment, socially useful and economically sustainable. Responsible forest management means not only protecting the natural environment and guaranteeing biodiversity and ecological processes, but also offering real benefits for populations, local communities and workers and economic efficiency.How does the FSC® system work?
Chain of Custody (CoC) certification guarantees traceability of materials from FSC® certified forests and is essential in order to be allowed to apply FSC® labels on products. Possession of valid FSC® certification by each party on the Chain of Custody is a necessary condition to be able to sell a product as certified. Thanks to this certification, an organisation can provide the market with a guarantee on the origin of the wood or paper used for its products and therefore demonstrate, in a correct, transparent and controlled manner, its active contribution to responsible forest management. The
CREO Kitchens products are made in accordance with an OHSAS 18001:2007 certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System. This demonstrates the company’s sensitivity and commitment towards safeguarding the health and safety of its employees, who are actively involved in diffusing a culture of safety, a topic that is becoming increasingly crucial in the modern workplace. The company's human capital constitutes an essential prerequisite for the objectives that CREO Kitchens is attaining in Italy, Europe and worldwide.
The quality of CREO Kitchens products is certified by the international UNI EN ISO 9001 standard, demonstrating our ability to supply products which conform to the specifications and expectations of our customers and to the requirements of applicable laws. In particular, the standard's target of improving customer satisfaction with the effective implementation of the System and the ongoing improvement of the company's business interests should be highlighted. This general principle is put into practice via a series of specific requirements. These must address the fact that Customer satisfaction has to be the goal at all times, not only in terms of the strict technical or technological aspects of the operation (the product), but also in terms of each aspect of the relationship with the Customer (the service).

The Gruppo LUBE implements the 14001 standard in all its production processes. CREO Kitchens is sensitive towards reducing environmental impacts and needless waste (e.g. through reduction of waste materials, re-use and recovery). It aims to maximise energy efficiency and to design and manufacture furniture items with low environmental impact giving preference to purchasing sustainable raw materials.
The company manufactures the structures of its furniture with Pannello Ecologico, a 100% recycled product made by Gruppo Saviola, and the first and the only one to be made from post-consumption wood. Pannello Ecologico was introduced onto the market in 1995 and is FSC-certified. It has always had formaldehyde emissions lower than the permitted minimums, even before the European Union imposed class E1. Pannello Ecologico is a guarantee of having chosen a safe and top-quality piece of furniture without cutting down any trees.
For its kitchen components*, Gruppo LUBE uses material complying with EPA TSCA TITLE VI, one of the strictest set of environmental protection regulations.
It is possible to help the environment: CREO Kitchens does it every day by using only environmentally-friendly materials in the products it offers to its customers. These materials are totally recyclable and completely compatible with the use of food substances, and the energy needed to manufacture them is clean. All this means that, within the greater context of eco-sustainability, kitchens can be made that respect green values.