Creo and Lube… championship kitchens!
The volleyball team from the Marche region, which is in fact also supported by Creo Kitchens, closed with a big 3 to 1 in the final play-off against Perugia on Sunday, 4 April at the Pala Evangelisti of Perugia.
This is the third championship in the history of the company after the 2006 and 2012 titles: a championship which crowns the season in which kitchen training has always dominated in the championship.
At the end of the Regular Season they were first with 18 victories and 4 losses, all on tie break – unbeatable at home for the entire season before Sunday’s victory.
The new Italian champions were celebrated after the match in the company until dawn together with the managers, the owners, staff and more than 300 fans and many other supporters that took part in the trip to Perugia: a special feast to celebrate the victory but above all to celebrate the team that made it all possible.