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CREO Kitchens challenges the LSRT with a new advertising campaign

Gruppo LUBE has a new multi-subject advertising campaign dedicated to the CREO Kitchens brand

Gruppo LUBE has thrown down the gauntlet, ironically but decisively, with the new CREO Kitchens campaign in the press, on posters and on air from 19 October.

The new CREO Kitchens campaign was officially presented to an audience of customers, retailers and the press at the intensive Gruppo LUBE convention held in Civitanova Marche on 18 October and the idea behind it is a stance against the world of cut-price kitchens, emphasising their dubious quality and fragile guarantees.

The various images of the campaign (created by the Grev agency) are clear and immediate: CREO Kitchens warns against accepting simple convenience and invites customers to aspire to a safe, satisfying and totally professional purchasing experience. The purchasing experience and an emotional interpretation of it have been the focal point of the Gruppo LUBE communication and marketing strategy of recent years: "because winning, at this historical moment, does not simply mean talking about convenience, but rather creating a relationship of trust with the consumer, through a solid price-quality ratio based on technology and customisation".

The aim of the new CREO Kitchens brand communication campaign is to take a clear stance with respect to the large-scale retail trade, in order to confirm to the group’s target that it offers a valid alternative, based on awareness of the strength that the quality and the guarantee of belonging to Gruppo LUBE provides.

The Marche-based company has added this new element, focused not just on communication, but also on strategic decisions to strengthen the brand identity of Cucine LUBE and CREO Kitchens, at the end of what has been, in many ways, a truly exceptional year. In addition to the positive results in terms of revenues and market share, it was also marked by success in the Group’s sports sponsorship, which saw the Lube Volley team win both the Italian and the European championships in 2019.

A crowning achievement for a company for whom "success" is the watchword, as confirmed by its "feisty" and creative national convention held at the Civitanova Marche Trade Fair Centre on 18 October. This was an important event (before an audience of over 1,000 customers, journalists and the local authorities, as well as the top management from the major Eldom group partners, such as Electrolux and Beko).

"Building a great future" was the slogan and the focus of the entire event, conducted by the CEO of Gruppo LUBE, Fabio Giulianelli, who spoke about development of the group strategy, in which the Stores (divided, as always, between the LUBE and CREO Kitchens brands) were confirmed as the core concept of "Being LUBE".

The LUBE brand confirmed its position as the leading brand in the kitchen furniture sector for the second quarter of 2019 and its top place in the ranking of kitchen manufacturers for national market share (source: GfK survey). The aim over the coming months will be to continue increasing the market share (which is 10.7% for the LUBE brand) and to position the brand as a point of reference of the medium-range target, "up to positioning in the Italian design sector through launching of the Design Collection".

There is also a clear strategy for the CREO Kitchens brand, which has been heavily consolidated on the market over recent years, recording growth of 18% in the 2018/2019 two-year period: erode shares on the target market with a direct challenge to the LSRT. The first attack, as demonstrated by the unequivocal images of the campaign, has already started.

Source: ambientecucina

Affordable quality

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