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Como: the LUBE Group inaugurates a new Creo Store

22100, COMO

The Lube Group inaugurates a new CREO KITCHENS STORE in COMO. The official ribbon-cutting is scheduled for February 3rd in the presence of local authorities, and unique promotions will be reserved for customers throughout the week.

In the brand new 200 sqm exhibition space with a modern and cutting-edge layout, all the new products of the CREO brand are displayed.

On display is the absolute novelty COLORLab, the brand new Creo model that, thanks to an extraordinary range of lacquered finishes, offers unparalleled versatility, allowing for endless combinations and customizations. COLORLab transforms every kitchen into a unique work of art, meeting the most sophisticated aesthetic and functional needs.

Among the various models on display, the JeyFeel and Tablet models are elegant, functional, and beautiful kitchens in terms of style and quality. 100% Made in Italy design for a model that defines its character and is expressed in the material surfaces and its absolutely trendy colors.

For lovers of a more contemporary genre but still dynamic and youthful, on display is Contempo where ultra-modern functionality and style with a more classic taste are in perfect balance. The touch of class lies in its shape, elegant and precise.

A team of two qualified staff will offer customers numerous services including design, measurement survey, and assembly.

With Creo, Convenience and Quality are closer than ever, now also in Como.

Affordable quality

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