GRUPPO LUBE on air on television with new CUCINE LUBE and CREO KITCHENS adverts

After the success achieved on digital platforms and the radio, Cucine Lube and Creo Kitchens are back on TV with two new adverts telling the story of the founding values of the two brands.

The adverts will be broadcast for the first time on the Rai and Mediaset networks on 27 July, in an extremely important media campaign airing at the same time as the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics.

The new CUCINE LUBE advert looks at the core values of the brand, starting from its roots in the characteristic town of Treia, where the business venture of Gruppo Lube started over 50 years ago, followed by a closer look at the factory, where technology, innovation and personalisation of the finishes are the stars of the show, then ends with a look at the experience of the end customer. It is precisely here that the brand positioning of “Being Lube. Always being there” comes to life, with scenes that show how people are accompanied with professionalism, a consultancy service and attention to detail at every stage of creation of their dream kitchen: from the consultancy inside one of the over 600 specialised stores to assembly and after-sales assistance.

Also airing is the new “CREO” advert, after being broadcast on the radio and digital platforms in recent months, in which we see the two sales assistants who starred in the previous advert who, after their superior discovers they have been to a CREO store, are called into the boss's office to explain themselves. A kind of surreal interrogation from which the message of the advert gets its inspiration. CREO KITCHENS, the young brand of Gruppo LUBE, focuses constantly on the quality of the kitchens, the professionalism of the sales assistants and personalisation of the services offered, making the experience of every customer “a whole new world”.

The advert concludes with the focus on the “5-year warranty”, confirming once again the company's commitment to its customers and the tangible nature of its actions.

Planning of the campaign by the company also includes digital platforms.

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