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Elica: Interstellar, a design hood

Are you tired of usual hoods? Choose Interstellar, the new suspended kitchen hood by Elica, the world leader in kitchen hoods.

This innovative product mixes shiny, mirror-finish steel surfaces with 1150 glass pieces which add enriched elegance and brightness to the product, creating a unique atmosphere.

The warm, comfortable lighting is provided by LED strips with adjustable intensity and by a LED disc which directs the light perfectly onto your hob.

Less thinking and more cooking thanks to a sensor installed in the hood that automatically detects the type of cooking and the level of steam, perfectly calibrating the required suction level. It is equipped with remote control for easy access to all features.

Cleaning? No problem, the aesthetic part can be easily disassembled into three pieces and washed in the dishwasher; similarly the filters are easily removed by using magnets.

Interstellar offers a high level of technology and design that makes it perfect for your Creo kitchen.

Watch this video to discover how your kitchen can really become unique with Interstellar:

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